florian maurer architecture art paintings bio awards contact        


born 1948 in munich i soon began to wonder about life, but found no answers.
i wanted to look further and left germany in 1974, one day after graduating
in architecture at munich's “technische universität”.

in canada i worked as architectural mercenary to earn enough to try being a
homesteader, fisherman, bush pilot and tourist guide. none of these efforts
led to the desired illumination, but i began to love the profession i was
trained in and opened my first architectural studio in 1991, in the yukon.
i have since practiced architecture in canada, italy, romania and nepal.
Now that we're retired i live with my wife of 50 years in italy where the
warmer climate and good food are kind to our bodies and souls.

i am still looking for illumination, but my efforts are getting less spectacular.
my painting is part of it. sometimes it opens the curtain just a bit!
- but then, i may just imagine it, who knows?


i started painting to find freedom from the practical world of architecture.
it drew me to abstract work first, but soon i found more comfort around
figurative images. even if they are often unreal or dreamy, they still carry
emotions and may tell stories i can relate to!

i don't know them or plan them when i start a piece. i start with an image
or scene that attracts me, and sometimes, with luck, a story grows around it.
i love that surprise! is it perhaps a tool to find sense in life? i don't know.

i prefer calm and serene scenes. the world around me is loud enough without me
adding to it.